Caramelized Onion and Goat Cheese Toasts



Caramelizing onions is great for a couple of reasons: for one, your apt smells amazing. For two, you can make so many things with them. I made toast and pizza this week, but you could also do a soup, add them to a sandwich or mix into a frittata. Bottom line, they’re versatile.

4 onions (thinly sliced)
Olive oil
2 tsp butter
3 bay leaves
A couple sprigs of thyme
1/3 cup red wine
1/4 cup beef broth (or mushroom broth if you’re a vegetarian)
Goat cheese
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar

Caramelized onions:
In a large pot or dutch oven on medium heat, add olive oil and butter until melted. Add in onions, bay leaves and thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Stir until cooked down slightly, about 10 min. Reduce heat and let cook for about 35 min, stirring often (check my story/highlights to see what onions should look like). After onions are really cooked down and soft, add in red wine and broth and continue to cook for another 10 min or so. The liquid should definitely cook down a bit but don’t be surprised if your onions have a bit of liquid themselves toward the end. It should be a rich liquid and you should feel like your broth/wine has cooked down.

In a small pan, add your balsamic vinegar and let cook on medium heat for about 10 min. It will reduce quickly so definitely keep an eye on it. Once it has reduced by half, turn off the heat. It might not look like it has thickened, but once the heat has lowered, you will see it has thickened significantly and has an almost syrupy constancy.

Toast your bread and spread on goat cheese. With a slotted spoon, add your onions to each piece. Then drizzle balsamic and top with thyme. Enjoy!